
Ways To Improve Accountancy

showing total business input Adelaide Accountants tax and  personal on the right side we see a  business only summary showing only  business income and expenses and as we  scroll down you can see the total  expenses the net income is all being  calculated for us on the Left we have  input tax summary showing how much input  tax we’ve collected paid

and the net  balance do we have a reconciliation  report showing how many entries we’ve  done so far and how many of them we need  to reconcile still and then below that  we have payment type summary showing all  our different payment types and how much  we’ve used with each okay so let’s go  back to our working screen and we can  see on the left side we have a  reconciliation column so when you get  your paper statements in the mail you

  can do your reconciliations from here  and you could say yes I see that entry  on my visa bill I  see this one on my bank statement and so  on then when you go to your report  screen you can see on the bottom right  that our reconciliation has been  completed because there’s no outstanding  reconciliation items or balances  displayed there now you’re also going to  notice here some filter buttons you can  filter all the entries by month or by  quarter you can also sort by date you  can also filter by account type and then  when you go to your reports you can also  filter report by those same  characteristics there

okay so finally we  also have the ability to do some edit  after the fact we can delete the entries  here and you can also edit the entry as  you would like so let’s edit this  particular entry here and when you look  at the inter record screen the one thing  we need to note is at the very bottom  there’s a receipt manager button which  allows you to take scanned images or  take snapshots of your receipts and  attach them to the bookkeeping entry and  you later you can view the receipts and  you can print them and it makes for easy

  archiving I should also mention that  this feature is available on all the  smartphone and tablet apps that are free  that come with the ledger program

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